Комменты к видео из #ovnpuz
Big Mikey13 hours ago
+Brandon the Man brandon you idiot. deer are all over the place. not just in zoos. in fact, I doubt a zoo would bother with them because they're in peoples back yards.
Brandon the Man13 hours ago
+Big Mikey then how come I've never seen one?
Big Mikey13 hours ago
+Brandon the Man probably because you spend half your life smoking weed and playing video games. you ate deer at my house that one time my girlfriend cooked for us. it was one from my hunting trip.
Brandon the Man13 hours ago
+Big Mikey that was? I wish you would have told me mike. I'm vegetarian
Big Mikey13 hours ago
+Brandon the Man WTF? Brandon, you eat like 5 slices of pepperoni pizza every day at work.